My GitHub Gists

Welcome to my collection of GitHub Gists. Here you'll find code snippets, notes, and small projects on various topics.


OpenSUSE MicroOS Howto with AMDGPU / ROCm - To run CUDA AI Apps like Ollama ★ 0 · View on GitHub Howto run Ollama "local AI" with ROCm on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed / MicroOS / AEON Desktop with AMDGPU / ROCm ITs just totally easy to install amdgpu-dkms kernel driver wi...


★ 0 · View on GitHub Howto integrate SSL at HestiaCP with Support of Domains (.DEV, .BLOG etc) which are enforcing SSL Custom Python Crontab Script with DNS01 Challenge / Cloudflare DNS for Letsencrypt This was an urgent issue fix - because these TLDs ...


★ 0 · View on GitHub Podman Compose with OpenSuSE MicroOS - Container Autostart on System-Boot It is really easy to configure a user-space systemd autostart for Containers on OpenSuSE MicroOS with Podman-Compose. When your Podman Container YourContainerService is ...


★ 0 · View on GitHub OpenSuSE MicroOS Linux - Unlock PIN Yubikey BIO FIDO USB Key If your FIDO Key gots locked, because the fingerprint was not OK, then its quite easy to unlock the Yubikey FIDO BIO USB Key (if you know it!) For me, only reset was possible over GUI wit...


★ 0 · View on GitHub DNS Issue K3S + Rancher with OpenSuSE MicroOS If you run into the issue, that DNS Resolving is not possible with K3S, Rancher, OpenSuSE MicroOS and SELinux enabled: Please make sure, that the following Settings at K3S SystemD Unit are enabled: ... ★ 0 · View on GitHub OpenSuSE pam-config Setup - Howto to use the Tool you need I had in the past a lot of struggle by pam configurations, e.g. don't paste/use code from other systems/configurations for your opensuse microos. The tool you...


★ 0 · View on GitHub OpenSuSE MicroOS - KDE Discover asking for User/Admin-Password by running Updates (again and again...) If you get any policykit issue, by running some software updates over Discover at KDE, even when system patches will be instal...


★ 0 · View on GitHub Issues with Steam at OpenSuSE MicroOS Info: This solution is not recommended because of selinux Security - use it at your own Risk! If you run into the Issue, that Games can not be started finally - then please check if selinux is ...


★ 0 · View on GitHub OpenSuSE MicroOS OpenGL Virtio Support for WindowsVMs Its possible, if you know - to use OpenGL Support over Spice at Virt-Manager, e.g. for a WindowsVM Instance. Just install the following dependencies to the Host: transactional-update ...


★ 0 · View on GitHub Steam with OpenSuSE MicroOS and AgeOfEmpires 4 I recommend to install steams as RPM Package, because then all the dependencies e.g. for Proton Experimental will be installed. Fell free to use with Flatpak, if thats working fine for you. Se...


Problem: error: process_sign_request2: sshkey_sign: device not found ★ 0 · View on GitHub Problem: error: process_sign_request2: sshkey_sign: device not found You are using two yubikeys e.g. one OTP Key and a Yubikey BIO with FIDO and want to login over SSH? T...